RV Blog--Life in a Box. This just ain't 'camping' any more....
Friday, December 01, 2006:
Moving back to Indiana! Only this time, we're going South! Bound to be warmer, right? At least I'll have time to get a few Christmas decorations up before New Years! I found a nice campground, http://www.freespiritcamp.com that looks pretty good, thanks to our old friends, Jack & Sue, who live near there. It's about 25 miles from the jobsite--but it's an easy drive. Well, okay, the middle part of the trip is through the Hoosier National Forest, with hills and hollers and curves.... Poor thing...
So, my big Holiday dog collar & leash sets haven't been filling my inbox with orders, and the Craft store gets lots of 'lookers', but no buyers. Probably going to shut it down in a week or two.
Meanwhile, we get to pack up the place tomorrow and then go hear Whisper Down perform tomorrow nite! :)
This week, the new puppy is being called "Trouble", by me. Hubby is calling him "Willie"--as in willie poop here, willie poop there, where willie poop next? Ah, the joy of puppies..... House training should get easier, once we're settled in a real campground, taking regular walks and hanging out in a pen when the weather is nice. This little guy has very little experience with the great out-of-doors. Raised on concrete, I'm guessing...
Now I need to go stow my craft supplies for the move....
Dinah // Friday, December 01, 2006
The life and times of a gypsywoman and her farmer-turned-construction-worker hubby, living
in a fifth wheel camper, and other stuff.
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