RV Blog--Life in a Box. This just ain't 'camping' any more....

Sunday, October 29, 2006:

Busy week ahead! Tomorrow we're supposed to go to Louisville and pick up our newest family member--a 10 week old bichon/poodle puppy! :) Just what we needed, right? Another dog. That should get these lazy 'girls' off the couch! Ah well.... We have to get this 'show' on the road before the rent is due on the first, come back over and get the tow dolly and the car, put things away in IL--and call the 'guy' about a job in GA. And then hopefully, go there! Meanwhile, I've opened a store and am watching my "Stuff" (mini quilts, mostly) on http://www.artsefest.com and hoping something will sell! Tell your friends to go look! :) My "store" is called "Color My World". Maybe they'll buy something! :) Time to heat up the waffle maker and get this day started.... It's going to get dark pretty early tonite!

Dinah // Sunday, October 29, 2006

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The life and times of a gypsywoman and her farmer-turned-construction-worker hubby, living in a fifth wheel camper, and other stuff.

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