If you're in the market for a used 5th wheel, DO NOT buy a 2004 McKenzie Medallion. I can't speak for any other models, but I'd guess they aren't any better. Here's the deal. The first time this unit experienced temps below 20, the fresh water froze off. Had to blow heat under the trailer all day to thaw it out. Today, hubby crawled under the trailer and took off the covering--and found the water tank, clear to the rear of the RV, with no insulation around it! Nor was there any heat duct outlet anywhere near it. In fact, there is no insulation on the bottom, all the way to the bathroom! A call to Monaco ensued--and we were told to read our owners manual because they don't guarantee any of their RVs below 32 degrees.
Lesson learned here? Insist on reading the owners manual (which they keep hidden until after you make your purchase) BEFORE making your final decision. WE now have to buy a heater for the water tank, insulation to cover the entire bottom of the trailer and hubby has days of working to get the RV fit to use in cold weather. Mind you, when we set out to buy a new RV, our first statement was "We want to buy a 4 season unit", and the salesmen took us to the row of Holiday Ramblers and McKenzies--all made by Monaco Coach Corp.
At the risk of getting sued, I can only speak for the unit we have bought, of course....
Hubby is 'resigned' and I am just plain pissed. I am SOOO going to trade this thing off for a Hitchhiker or a Newmar... I have already begun hunting thru the dealerships to see what I can find.
End of rant.
Meanwhile, we're still sitting here, enjoying the effects of El Nino, or whatever it is. Hubby got to work on Monday, and that was it for this week. :( It should dry out by Sunday, and the next front is due in here Sunday nite and Monday... But hey! We have a full pantry, the rent has been paid and the RV payment has been made for this month.... Life is good. It'd just be better if he could go to work.