There we were, packing to head for a job in South Georgia this weekend...and the Union finally decided to send hubby out on a job on the north side of Indy. So Wednesday we rushed around and finished packing the truck camper, hooked up our "towed" behind us and went in search the job site and a place to live. Naturally, the job is out in the boonies and the nearest camping is 23 miles away....
He got rained out on his first day on the job. And we had to move to a different site in the campground to spend the weekend (It's the "Brickyard 400", don'tchaknow?") And, low and behold, we've landed in another Verizon-free zone!!! Our first campsite that fact went unnoticed because of the overcast weather, which lets us use our phone and air card. But when we were moved to the other end of the row--NO Service! This morning, we moved to the middle of the row, where the phone works if it wants to, and I can get online by sitting at the picnic table, under the courtesy light, next to the main power boxes for the campground--it's the site no one ever uses because of the light overhead. sigh. Sometimes life is just hard.
New job should last a while, if only it would quit raining.... They're digging a 10 acre lake, 60' deep! I'm just grateful it's not down there next to the Okeefenokee Swamp!!!
What are the odds that we'd end up in yet another crappy Verizon area????