RV Blog--Life in a Box. This just ain't 'camping' any more....

Monday, August 14, 2006:

No more "little box"! We took the truck camper back to our son's and reclaimed our home. Then we raced around madly, storing the extra stuff and battening down the hatches for the first voyage since last December! (Ya really need to move these things once in a while or they start thinking they aren't 'vehicles' any more!) And now to resettle in our new chosen spot and pray that it will quit raining long enough for construction to continue and hubby to get a few REAL paychecks!

We're getting a slow start with the resettling. Made it to the new location just fine--only to find that the campground owner had a brain faid and forgot to tell the folks who'd been using our new spot to park their pickup that we were coming. So, they had taken off with friends and left the truck in the way. (sigh) We waited 3 hours for them, before figuring out a temporary spot for us to plug into for the nite. As luck would have it, the jobsite is still too muddy for digging today, so hubby has the day free to get this rig squeezed into it's new 'slot'. Then we have to run over to the other campground and collect our car, tow dolly and other goodies., before 2PM (checkout time).

I think we'll like this campground a whole lot better than "golf cart heaven"! Very small and rural and quiet--and only the landlady's golf cart on the place! And we can stay here until we're ready to go somewhere else--like South for the Winter (just like Snowbirds, only without the pensions and Social Security checks!)

Time to pack up again....

Dinah // Monday, August 14, 2006

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The life and times of a gypsywoman and her farmer-turned-construction-worker hubby, living in a fifth wheel camper, and other stuff.

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