I swear to you that every 'season camper' in this park owns a golf cart and knows how to use it! Every evening they drag them out, fully charged, and drive up and down the streets, gawking at the transients! Last nite, we were treated to a 'light parade'--at least, that's what they call them at the Goldwing Rallies! Up and down the streets, showing off their chrome wheels, trick lights, and such. We had one decked out like a tropical hut--complete with tiki torches. One was tricked out to look like an off-road vehicle with chrome exhaust pipes and knobby tires! YIKES! These people are nuts! But, they seemed to be having a good time....
The Nascar crowd is beginning to thin out. I just scored a stack of cut up lumber that one pair had left behind when they pulled out... The early bird scores the goodies, ya know! Now, if it would just cool off enough to have a fire in the evenings....
Time to walk the dogs and get my feet soaked slogging through the heavy dew...