RV Blog--Life in a Box. This just ain't 'camping' any more....

Monday, August 28, 2006:

Ah, the 'small town experience'.... Went to the IGA/2 pump gas station/bank the other day to open a local checking account and got waited on by Ruth Ann(her real name). If you ever watched Northern Exposure then you've seen Ruth Ann. I swear to you--she is a dead ringer! And acts pretty much the same--and to find her in a grocery store....

Went afield yesterday and found the Walmart, Big K, and another used book store. Life is good.

We now have 4 bird feeders outside our living room window...dozens of finches and several hummingbirds. Those goldfinches are eating us out of thistle seed! The dog is going berserk--we can see the birds but they can't see us, and she sits and whines because she can't get them! Shopped around for one of those plant hanging things to put in the yard, but it's late in the season. So we have settled for a ladder, leaned against the back of the RV. It works.

Meanwhile, the rain keeps coming just often enough to keep hubby from getting in a full week of work. Came close last week--4 1/2 days! This week is not starting out well--no work today or tomorrow, and Wednesday is pretty "iffy". At this rate, they'll end up working thru Labor Day! (That would look nice on the paycheck!)

I finished up the first of my "authentic" Indian cell phone pouch... LOL. Okay, the beadwork is authentic.... Putting a strap on the second. Then I have necklaces to finish attaching to their rosettes...

Dinah // Monday, August 28, 2006

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The life and times of a gypsywoman and her farmer-turned-construction-worker hubby, living in a fifth wheel camper, and other stuff.

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