RV Blog--Life in a Box. This just ain't 'camping' any more....

Thursday, June 01, 2006:

And so, we set out again on Tuesday, with a new wheel hub or some such thing. Drove all the way into Missouri and stopped for fuel. Just as we pulled into the truck stop--same damned wheel flew off! So, we unloaded the car, unhitched the dolly from the truck and took ourselves to the KOA--conveniently located 1/2 mile away. :)
The next morning, my oh-so-clever hubby bought a hand full of washers and 'fixed' the problem (if you want details, email and he'll call you from someplace that has a cell phone signal!)...and it held all the way home! :) And here we are.

Yep, back in the land of no signal most of the time. :( Verizon doesn't seem to care if we can "hear them now" here. Too remote, with too few subscribers. Gee--if they'd put up another tower, they might have more customers! Duh.

Hubby is happily planting someone else's soybeans this week, while he waits for job to turn up. Union had a one-day job yesterday, but he missed it.... Sooner or later, it's going to dry up and they'll be building round the clock....

So, here we are, re-adjusting to the humidity and playing with the grandkids.... Hubby still says that anyplace where corn grows isn't fit to live in--and that's a fact!

Dinah // Thursday, June 01, 2006

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The life and times of a gypsywoman and her farmer-turned-construction-worker hubby, living in a fifth wheel camper, and other stuff.

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