RV Blog--Life in a Box. This just ain't 'camping' any more....

Friday, April 28, 2006:

Yessiree! We are CAMPING now!

And 48 hours later, they were out mowing the campsites!

Our CARE package arrived today, at long last. What a treat! I got my Birks! And the floppy drive (so I could share my pix!) and clothes, paperbacks from my daughter-in-laws private collection, and yarn for more socks (seems funny that instead of the yarn I requested, I got the camo yarn that was earmarked for our son for next Christmas...), plus a whole stack of bills! Ugh.

Living in this little box has proven more expensive than one would think....

Fortunately, much of our shopping took place at the Packrat's Palace. Hubby got a work shirt, I got sheets & pillowcases--that sort of thing. We needed a crockpot, a radio, lawn chairs, a water jug to carry to work, and more clothes!

I know it's possible to function on 3 changes of clothing, but not when you're building a road! He comes 'home' filthy every nite. With 'racoon eyes', thanks to the pair of motorcross goggles he bought to keep the dirt out of his eyes. In fact, I think his entire first paycheck was spent just getting stuff so we could live here!

The dogs have begun their evening barkfest, up in the cab of the truck, so it must be time for walking.....

Dinah // Friday, April 28, 2006

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The life and times of a gypsywoman and her farmer-turned-construction-worker hubby, living in a fifth wheel camper, and other stuff.

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