RV Blog--Life in a Box. This just ain't 'camping' any more....

Wednesday, April 26, 2006:

News Flash! Money CAN buy happiness!!!! I am online and happy and all it took was $79 to buy a wireless PC card and a nominal (?) $59.99 a month--plus applicable taxes and fees, of course! LIFE IS GOOD.

In other news....

Sunday night’s rain was really 6” of really wet snow. Welcome to April in SD! It was pretty…. Of course, hubby spent yesterday and today lounging around inside the ‘box’, with his dogs. NOT pretty. My motto is beginning to be “GET ME THE HELL OUTA HERE!”

After the snow quit, we ventured out to the nearby Yamaha dealer to buy hubby a pair of dirt bike goggles to wear for work…keep the dust out. Then wandered around, shopping for a tiny freezer that would actually come thru the camper door when we eventually (Please, God!) head back to IL and a much bigger ‘box’. Didn’t find one to suit, so our orphan buffalo burger is still taking up space in Shirley’s freezer…. Just gonna have to eat it, I guess!

And Tuesday there was too much snow at the jobsite, so we did another day of laying around the camper--after we went to the Best Buy and acquired the wonderful PC card!

Today was spent on the phone with tech support. Ain't it always the way? Finally managed to keep my poor laptop from puking all over the table whenever I fired up the browser and now I'm under 'orders' to spend the day online and make sure the new software keeps working like it's supposed to. Like that will be a hardship? LOL.

I did take time off to stir up another strawberry/rhubarb pie. Still waiting to see if it melts all over the inside of my 'easy bake' oven, like the last one did. But the last one was tasty, so who cares?

Still waiting for a CARE package from home, and some forwarded mail (bills, of course). I suspect that the package hasn't even been 'packaged', yet.... The family members who urged us to stay here where the work is, for the time being, were supposed to send us the much needed things that we left at home--since we were only going to be gone for a week.... So far, we've survived 80+ degree weather and 2 blizzards and 24 degree weather with nothin' but the Spring duds we brought along....

And now...I must "surf on".....

Dinah // Wednesday, April 26, 2006

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The life and times of a gypsywoman and her farmer-turned-construction-worker hubby, living in a fifth wheel camper, and other stuff.

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