RV Blog--Life in a Box. This just ain't 'camping' any more....

Thursday, March 16, 2006:

There is something worse than having to rely on a 19.2kbps internet connection--it's having NO SIGNAL much of the time and NO internet connection! I'll bet some of ya'll didn't even know there were places in this Country that were THAT remote!

Well, after months of NO INCOME (thanks mostly to hubby's previous employers being butts about unemployment), he got his Journeyman's card and got called to go to work yesterday! Which would have been great except that his pee test looked funny and they made a big toodoo about one of his meds. :( By the time that was all straightened out, the it was too late for orientation and the prospective employer had sent several of the guys away. But hey, they paid him for a whole 8 hour day! (He had to work 2 days for that much money in FL!)

Meanwhile, we had been packing to go West and take care of some paperwork and bring back our truck/camper rig. Then we did another check of the weather forecast out there and decided it was too danged cold and the odds of snow had increased...so we tabled that plan, for a week. If no job turns up--which is doubtful, considering that we had a LOT of rain last weekend, we'll try again next week. Nothing is easy!

Called our SD friends last nite--no work out there this week! 12" of snow, instead. Sure am glad we're not trying to camp our way out there! LOL!

So, here we sit. Playing with the grandkids, splitting firewood, and knitting socks! I'm planning to hit my daughter's sock-heel knitting class this afternoon. Just can't get those things to look good!

Our Recon Marine is finally home from nasty places, like Faluja (however that's spelled), and other scenic spots. He's happily settled in our son's basement bedroom, decompressing. Hopefully, he's done with the Marines, now. Altho, he signed up the second time around, after a few months on the "outside". We'll see. Meanwhile we don't have to worry about him for a change!

The kids' house is still bulging at the seams. Still got an extra mom and 2 little ones, plus the ex-Marine! We just sit here in our rolling home and watch--helping where we can and waiting for Spring!

Dinah // Thursday, March 16, 2006

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The life and times of a gypsywoman and her farmer-turned-construction-worker hubby, living in a fifth wheel camper, and other stuff.

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